If you have teeth that are chipped, cracked, or stained from coffee, wine, or tobacco, you may no longer possess that pearly-white smile of years past. When this occurs, dental veneers may be the solution to your problem. Thin, custom-made shells that are placed on the front of your teeth, dental veneers can be made so that they look very much like natural teeth. Rather than continue to be self-conscious about your smile, here is all you need to know about dental veneers.
Different Types of Dental Veneers
If you are considering dental veneers, your dentist will let you know of the different types. Porcelain dental veneers are the most common and most popular, since they are extremely stain-resistant, come in various shades to match your natural teeth, and can last up to 20 years. Composite veneers are also popular, and are made from a similar material that is used to fill cavities. A less expensive alternative to porcelain, composite veneers still look very natural and can last close to 10 years. All veneers are color matched to your natural teeth so that no one can tell if you have dental veneers.
Tooth Sensitivity
After you receive your dental veneers, don’t be surprised if your teeth are somewhat sensitive for a few days afterwards. This is caused by the bonding cement used to place the dental veneers on your teeth, and normally disappears within a few days.
Caring For Dental Veneers
If you are a person who has loved chewing on ice, peanut brittle, or jawbreakers now and then, those days are over if you want to keep your dental veneers in great shape. In fact, you should treat your dental veneers just as you would your regular teeth, meaning you should brush at least twice daily and floss at least once.
Dental Veneers at Gentle Dental Care
Dental veneers can solve a variety of dental problems that go far beyond just stained teeth. Not only can they fix teeth that are broken, cracked, or chipped, but they can also change the length and even the size of your teeth, help conceal gaps between teeth, fix teeth that are worn down from teeth grinding, and much more.
Compared to other dental procedures, having dental veneers placed on your teeth is a relatively quick and minimally-invasive procedure. In many cases, patients only need to have two appointments to have their teeth prepared for dental veneers and to have the dental veneers actually placed on their teeth.
Since there are many different types of dental veneers, chances are one will be right for you and your teeth. To find out, visit your dentists to discuss your various options.